Marketing Deck – Clutch Year In Review 2021

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At Marketing Deck, we focus on creating tangible results through performance marketing, social media, and website development that will tremendously help your business gain the online presence it needs. Over the years, we’ve worked with over a hundred clients and generated tens of thousands of leads. Since 2017, our team has been striving to be the best at what we do for our clients, and we’re thrilled to announce to be included in Clutch’s list of the top B2B design agencies in Bucharest.

If this is your first time hearing about Clutch, it’s a B2B ratings and reviews platform based in Washington, DC. They evaluate technology service and solutions companies based on the quality of work, thought leadership, and client reviews.

With that said, let’s look at what we accomplished in 2021 through Clutch’s platform.

Client reviews are vital to a vendor when it comes to its reputation. Whether it’s positive or negative, these reviews are valuable resources to decide how vendors can facilitate the level of service that they provide. This year, we’re proud to say that we didn’t get negative reviews from our clients with a perfect rating of five stars.

To add to that, we’re also thrilled to share that we’ve had a 90% rate of recommendation this year. 9 out of 10 reviewers stated that they are 100% willing to recommend our services to their associates.

Have a look at our latest review on our Clutch profile.

Top Design Agencies in Bucharest

Although 2021 was a challenging year for us, it still was an excellent year for our team. We look forward to what the future holds for our present and future partnerships.

Let us know about the challenges you may have, and we can develop solutions. Please fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Picture of Paul Ardeleanu

Paul Ardeleanu

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