Marketing Deck is a Top B2B Company in Romania

Home - Reviews - Marketing Deck is a Top B2B Company in Romania

At Marketing Deck, we play the right Marketing Cards for maximum efficiency and results. You can benefit from a team of specialists like us, who will focus on the marketing methods and actions that bring results.

Every year, Clutch announces their Leader Awards, the top-performing B2B companies according to geographic location and service line. This year, Clutch has named Marketing Deck a top B2B company in Romania in the agencies and designers category!

Clutch is a B2B market research firm based in Washington, DC. Their site showcases companies that provide B2B services by collecting reviews from their former clients. These verified reviews form the basis of their ratings and rankings. That’s why this award is so meaningful for us because it’s based on the opinions of people who matter most, our clients.

It’s a great honor to be named one of Top B2B Social Media Agency in Eastern Europe” – Paul Ardeleanu, Founder

We are thankful for each and every one of our amazing clients, especially those who took the time to leave us a review on Clutch! Here’s what they had to say about working with us.

What we liked the most were the results. On multiple campaigns, they’ve provided some of the best results that we’ve had… and we continue to work with them because of that. Also a lot of our partners appreciated the way they communicate, very fast and open.” – Master Franchisee, Programming School

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This award and our perfect 5-star rating on Clutch were made possible by all of you!

To learn more about us, read our reviews on our Clutch profile. Contact us directly when you’re ready to get started on your next project!

Picture of Paul Ardeleanu

Paul Ardeleanu

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