you've come to the right place!

We create sites that convert... and look good.

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Marketing Deck - Web Design Services and more!

The process of creating a website is one of the most complex possible.

You need:

You can call on us for either one of the pieces needed in your puzzle or all of them. You choose.

Web Design Firm

Take the next step towards a great online presence

What does the website development process involve?

You can call on us for either one of the pieces needed in your puzzle or all of them.

Complete construction process

Because we have a complete website building process, tested and validated over 5 years.

Conversions and design

Because we build sites that convert. They are built primarily for conversion.


Because more than 100 fully functional websites have been created for our clients, created from scratch.


Because we provide consultancy throughout the process and take care of all the necessary tasks in building your website.

Complete portfolio

Because we have a complete portfolio, with both large sites with hundreds of pages and small presentation sites.

Migrate site

Because we can do a site migration without affecting the users visiting the site or SEO issues


Because we don't rush to get started, leaving plenty of time for planning. Most websites take an extremely long time or are a failure because of rushed planning.

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Want a new Website?

Take the next step for a great online presence. Let's work together to create a website that delivers the results you want.

1. Marketing Strategy

The first thing that starts the process of creating a website is to understand the business and figure out what is wanted with this new website.

We do NOT make sites that just look good. We make sites that meet business goals… in short, that convert traffic into leads or customers + will look good too.

The website you will have is important to become the best salesperson in the company. This step is a consultative process in which we come in with our expertise and propose options in which the site will meet the business objectives.

2. Planning

Once we understand the business and have the marketing strategy, we create the menu and the complete page structure.

We then create a timeline for the delivery of the site. On average, a standard website takes between 1 and 2 months from the start of the project.

The planning process involves between 2 and 6 hours allocated, and between 1 and 3 meetings (live or online).

3. Design

We start by creating a sketch of the homepage in Adobe XD. Once the sketch is approved at Design level, we start implementing the new Website.

4. Creating the technical infrastructure

First we set up the technical infrastructure of the website. It will be created on a subdomain of ours and progress can be seen at any time. The website will be backed by a WordPress infrastructure, the most used CMS (Content Management System) worldwide at the moment.

After installing WordPress, it installs all the modules that we use to create websites:

After installing WordPress, it installs all the modules that we use to create websites:

In order to build all the texts needed for the website end-to-end, we go through the following steps:

When we write the texts for the website we have 2 goals, namely: to give the human all the information needed for him to convert and to include keywords so that the page is optimized for Google.

If you want to write the texts for the website yourself, you can deduct 500 euros from the website package… but we don’t recommend this because very rarely does an in-house person have the necessary experience, both for the conversion part and for SEO.

6. Implementation of pages

Build the site page by page in Elementor, based on the agreed design and the proposed text. IMPORTANT: We do NOT buy a standard theme that loads a lot on the site and then just minimally modify the pages. We build everything from scratch, so that the site is 100% customized to your needs. This means we spend more time building everything, but it will be unique and very stable.

7. Mobile design

After the desktop pages are built, they are edited, 1 by 1, for the mobile version. The site will be Responsive from the start, but even so, manual edits need to be made for the mobile version.

It’s easier to adapt from desktop to mobile than vice versa. If you want to create the mobile version first and then the desktop version, there are other (higher) charges.

8. On-site SEO

One of the most important sources of traffic is search engines. It is important that when people do a search in google (on a keyword of your website) they find you on the first page, ideally as high as possible. For this to happen, you need to “tell” Google that you are relevant and what page to show you on that search.
Which includes onsite SEO:

9. Feedback + website move + final check

Once the site is complete, there follows a ping-pong (hopefully very small if the planning work was done well) on changes to the site. We’re talking more about small changes here, not the essential structure issues.

Then we move the website from our subdomain to the domain where it is going to stay. After the move, we check every page and every element to make sure everything is 100% functional.

We recommend that you do the same in the last phase (check every page and every item). There may still be items that need to be changed and we can still do them in this phase.

10. Tracking

After the move, tracking codes for Google Ads, Facebook Ads and Google Analytics will be added to the site.

At the same time, we will also submit the site to Google Search Console to check for SEO errors on the website.

11. Training Video

At the end, you will have access to a series of video courses, recorded by us, in which you will discover how to use and set up your own website. If you want to take care of it yourself, we’ll give you 2 hours of training (recorded video) to discover how to do it.

12. Guarantee

After the move, the site goes into a 30-day GUARANTEE period. This means that within 30 days we can intervene to fix what is needed, of course if various errors occur. This period is included in the site fee.

After the 30-day period a maintenance subscription is required or the intervention (if applicable) is paid for on an hourly fee basis. If changes are required even during the 30-day guarantee period, an additional fee is payable. The guarantee is just to be 100% sure that everything is functional.

Brands that trust us

Here you can find just a part of our client portfolio, brands with which we have been working for a long time.
Portofoliu de clienti
Bebe Tei
Mind Architect
Best Nuts
Treevi Pizza Al Taglio 1
Nusco City
Keller Williams

Customer testimonials

We love our customers and they love us.

Here's what they say about working with us:
Veronica Negru Avatar
Veronica Negru
Colaborez cu Marketing Deck din septembrie 2023 si sunt foarte multumita de rezultatele obtinute. Profesionalismul lor si-a spus cuvantul inca de la inceputul colaborarii. Imi place foarte mult modul cum este totul organizat, de la propunerea scripturilor pana la postarea continutului in social.
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Daniel Alexandrescu Avatar
Daniel Alexandrescu
Eram in cautare de solutii pentru pentru campaniile de social media pe care le derulam si care nu mai performau deloc. Pintr-o conjuctura fericita am aflat de Marketing Deck si mi-a placut imediat profesionalismul cu care au abordat conturilor noastre de social media. Au reusit prin campaniile pe care le-au setat sa reduca cu 50% costurile si sa ajungem la un ROAS de 15x , ba chiar 19x pe anumite produse. Recomand cu mare incredere MarketingDeck, si in special pe Paul Ardeleanu pentru profesionalismul lor. Daniel Alexandrescu, CEO - RestartiX Center
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Sorin Chivoiu Avatar
Sorin Chivoiu
Bijuteria Reina
Am colaborat cu echipa Marketing Deck, iar ceea ce îi caracterizează este profesionalismul. Sunt implicați, cu abilitați excelente de comunicare iar ideile prezentate au avut un rezultat mai bun decât mă așteptam! Recomandăm cu drag!
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
Sunt foarte mulțumit de munca depusă de Marketing Deck. Chiar știu ce fac și sunt foarte atenți!
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
I am very happy with the work done by the Marketing Deck. They know what they are doing and are very attentive !
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Dan Dobrescu Avatar
Dan Dobrescu
Am lucrat cu 4 agenții de marketing diferite și rezultatele au fost cel mult satisfăcătoare, deși am oferit fiecărei agenții șansa de a încerca diferite metode de promovare timp de cel puțin 6 luni. În cele din urmă, am citit câteva recenzii pe Marketing Deck, l-am contactat pe Paul și am avut 2-3 discuții despre cum ar putea să-mi ajute compania. Am hotărât să-l las să preia complet controlul campaniilor mele de marketing. A fost cea mai inspirată idee pe care am avut-o în ultimii 2 ani. Rezultatele campaniilor sale mi-au depășit cu mult așteptările. Într-adevăr, departamentul de marketing este foarte important în orice companie, iar găsirea unei agenții care să se ocupe de acest aspect poate fi foarte obositoare și poate provoca dezamăgire. Dar când, în sfârșit, găsești acea agenție pe care ai căutat-o ​​mereu, sentimentul nu poate fi decât unul de împlinire. Felicitări Marketing Deck!
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Valentin Mailat Avatar
Valentin Mailat
O agenție condusa de un om experimentat, sincer și extrem de practic. Am recomandat deja agenția soției mele.
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Romica Caralicea Avatar
Romica Caralicea
Echipa uimitoare, comunicativă și suportivă. Recomand cu căldură serviciile lor de marketing digital, în special pentru domeniul educației.
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kids power Avatar
kids power
O echipa minunata! Oameni profi, gata mereu să ajute și să ofere cele mai bune soluții pentru buna desfășurare a lucrurilor! Recomand cu mare drag!
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webdare13 Avatar
Cea mai bună agenție de marketing!!!
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
Una dintre cele mai bune agenții de marketing cu care am lucrat vreodată. Cele mai bune soluții pentru managementul rețelelor sociale și o echipă grozavă! Este o plăcere să lucrez cu ei!
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Ina Lupu Avatar
Ina Lupu
Am avut o colaborare foarte buna cu cei de la Marketing Deck. Si rezultate pe campaniile initiate de ei.
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Ionut Andronache Avatar
Ionut Andronache
O echipa excelenta! Am avut rezultate exceptionale impreuna!
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
One of the best marketing agencies I’ve ever worked with. Best solutions for the social media management and great team! It’s a pleasure to work with them!
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Doina Iosif Avatar
Doina Iosif
Felicitari pentru tot ce faceti! Sunteti ingeniosi si dedicati.
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Awards and honours

Our marketing strategies are often recognised nationally and internationally
Clutch - Global
Social Media Company Award - 2024
The Manifest - România
Most Reviews Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - Global
Leader Award Spring - 2024
Clutch - România
Full Service Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2024
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - Global
Top Advertising Company - 2023
Clutch - București
Top PPC Company - 2023
Clutch - România
TOP Advertising & Marketing - 2022

Do you have questions or want to receive our offer?

You can contact us via:

Phone at +40 711 930 842
Whatsapp at +40 711 930 842
E-mail at [email protected]

Or fill in the form below and we will contact you: