You've come to the right place!

Marketing Deck is the agency that offers full Facebook and Instagram Ads services.

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agentie marketing statistici facebook

Did you know that there are over 11 million active Facebook users in Romania?

Believe it or not, more than 1 in 2 Romanians have a Facebook account… and they use it. Here’s what Facebook shows us as a potential audience:

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Facebook promotion

Regardless of the growth of other channels (Tik Tok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube), Facebook still remains one of the main channels for Social Media promotion, both organic and paid.

Promote Instagram

Instagram has growing potential for businesses, and audience attention is easy to capture. Certainly if things are done right.

Why initiate a Facebook Ads campaign for your business?

Facebook Ads is much more than Boost Post!

Maybe now you're thinking: But I tried Facebook Ads and it didn't work! Many people, because they've done the boost post a few times and it didn't work, feel that Facebook Ads doesn't work. Don't be fooled. Facebook Ads is much more complex than that.

If you've tried a Facebook Ads specialist and it didn't work, call Marketing Deck - Facebook Ads Agency's 30-minute consulting session. Over 90% of the time we discover that things were done wrong.

Social Media Marketing

I want more customers from Facebook and Instagram
Case study

Agency specialized in Facebook Ads promotion campaigns

First of all I want you to know that the first ads on Facebook Ads launched by us are from 2014 (you have below a print screen from Ads Manager).

At that time, I (Paul Ardeleanu, founder of Marketing Deck) was doing Public Speaking seminars, and Facebook Ads was the main way to attract future participants. I would get 100 – 200 people to attend a live seminar with me, even though I was only 23 years old.

agentie marketing facebook seminar paul

From that moment until now...

...we've had active ads for ourselves or our clients (with very short downtimes) and now we're managing bigger budgets than ever.

Of course Facebook Ads has changed enormously since we started but we have adapted to all these changes.

Experience with Facebook & Instagram Ads
Why choose Marketing Deck to promote your business

Facebook Ads experience

We have 8 years of experience in Facebook Ads campaigns. For 3 years we've been doing ads for ourselves, and since 2017 we've started doing ads for our clients.

Experience on multiple verticals

We have experience across multiple verticals such as ecommerce, lead generation and local business.

Experience across multiple industries

We do best in the following areas: Children's Education, HoReCa, Ecommerce, B2B Services. That doesn't mean we're limited to these, just that these are the ones we master best.

Dedicated team

We have a dedicated, in-house team that handles campaign set-up and optimization, ZILNIC.

Management budget

Over the years we have run over 1 million Euros in Facebook Ads and in the last 6 months over 350,000 Euros... and this amount is growing month by month.

What Facebook Ads service entails

Creating Facebook Ads accounts involves a period of Account Set-up. In the early days, we focus on setting up the ad account. This involves the following steps:
agentie marketing servicii facebook ads
The fee we charge is a monthly fee and does not include the advertising budget paid directly to Facebook. It is healthiest for the 2 to be separate.
Creating the Advertising Strategy
First we need to establish together what is the best strategy to get the person who has not heard of your business before to buy from you.
Account Access
We're taking away access to our Facebook page and advertising account. Don't worry if you don't have one... we'll create one for you
Installing the Pixel
One of the secrets of effective promotion on Facebook is the installation and technical setup of the pixel on the site.
Creating Visuals and Texts
The visual and text of the ad is what the user sees. They matter most for the number of clicks you get from ads.
Start Campaign
We set up the campaign with the right audiences, the right tracking and the right creatives. That's where the magic begins
Campaign Optimization
Campaign Monitoring and Optimization is a process that we do ZILNIC. It's vital to make sure every day that every penny is spent with the best possible return.

Marketing Deck - Facebook Ads Agency

Let's get results together
Facebook Ads case studies

School of Foreign Languages

In 2018, at the end of the year, we were contacted by the founder of a language school in order to increase the number of students. She had recently moved to a new location and needed to grow quickly from 150 kids to over 250 kids. By then she had most of her clients from referrals.
We started working on both Facebook Ads and other channels and the results were seen very quickly. The initial target was met in 3 months and in 2021, in October, it surpassed 1,000 students (people paying for the courses monthly).

The final results of the campaigns, over 2 years of collaboration:

Brands that trust us

Here you can find just a part of our client portfolio, brands with which we have been working for a long time.
Portofoliu de clienti
Bebe Tei
Mind Architect
Best Nuts
Treevi Pizza Al Taglio 1
Nusco City
Keller Williams

Customer testimonials

We love our customers and they love us.

Here's what they say about working with us:
Veronica Negru Avatar
Veronica Negru
Colaborez cu Marketing Deck din septembrie 2023 si sunt foarte multumita de rezultatele obtinute. Profesionalismul lor si-a spus cuvantul inca de la inceputul colaborarii. Imi place foarte mult modul cum este totul organizat, de la propunerea scripturilor pana la postarea continutului in social.
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Daniel Alexandrescu Avatar
Daniel Alexandrescu
Eram in cautare de solutii pentru pentru campaniile de social media pe care le derulam si care nu mai performau deloc. Pintr-o conjuctura fericita am aflat de Marketing Deck si mi-a placut imediat profesionalismul cu care au abordat conturilor noastre de social media. Au reusit prin campaniile pe care le-au setat sa reduca cu 50% costurile si sa ajungem la un ROAS de 15x , ba chiar 19x pe anumite produse. Recomand cu mare incredere MarketingDeck, si in special pe Paul Ardeleanu pentru profesionalismul lor. Daniel Alexandrescu, CEO - RestartiX Center
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Sorin Chivoiu Avatar
Sorin Chivoiu
Bijuteria Reina
Am colaborat cu echipa Marketing Deck, iar ceea ce îi caracterizează este profesionalismul. Sunt implicați, cu abilitați excelente de comunicare iar ideile prezentate au avut un rezultat mai bun decât mă așteptam! Recomandăm cu drag!
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Ionut Andronache Avatar
Ionut Andronache
O echipa excelenta! Am avut rezultate exceptionale impreuna!
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Doina Iosif Avatar
Doina Iosif
Felicitari pentru tot ce faceti! Sunteti ingeniosi si dedicati.
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
Sunt foarte mulțumit de munca depusă de Marketing Deck. Chiar știu ce fac și sunt foarte atenți!
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Dan Dobrescu Avatar
Dan Dobrescu
Am lucrat cu 4 agenții de marketing diferite și rezultatele au fost cel mult satisfăcătoare, deși am oferit fiecărei agenții șansa de a încerca diferite metode de promovare timp de cel puțin 6 luni. În cele din urmă, am citit câteva recenzii pe Marketing Deck, l-am contactat pe Paul și am avut 2-3 discuții despre cum ar putea să-mi ajute compania. Am hotărât să-l las să preia complet controlul campaniilor mele de marketing. A fost cea mai inspirată idee pe care am avut-o în ultimii 2 ani. Rezultatele campaniilor sale mi-au depășit cu mult așteptările. Într-adevăr, departamentul de marketing este foarte important în orice companie, iar găsirea unei agenții care să se ocupe de acest aspect poate fi foarte obositoare și poate provoca dezamăgire. Dar când, în sfârșit, găsești acea agenție pe care ai căutat-o ​​mereu, sentimentul nu poate fi decât unul de împlinire. Felicitări Marketing Deck!
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webdare13 Avatar
Best marketing agency!!!
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Romica Caralicea Avatar
Romica Caralicea
Echipa uimitoare, comunicativă și suportivă. Recomand cu căldură serviciile lor de marketing digital, în special pentru domeniul educației.
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Rares Nitulescu Avatar
Rares Nitulescu
O experiență mai mult decât plăcută în cadrul stagiului de practică. Un mediu de lucru plăcut, în care nevoile tale sunt înțelese, toată lumea este înțelegătoare și dornică să te ajute să crești, nu ești grăbit sau presat însă trebuie să prezinți seriozitate și să ai un management bun al timpul. Nu am identificat aspecte negative în timpul colaborări cu ei.
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Profesionalism, încredere și disponibilitate în ceea ce privește rezolvarea indicațiilor primite. O echipă foarte bună care stă la dispoziția clienților. Recomand 100%.
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Luminita H. Avatar
Luminita H.
M-am bucurat de o experiență frumoasa , am avut suportul Veronicăi , toată disponibilitatea și transparența de care se poate da dovada precum și toată înțelegerea.Oameni care găsesc variante în funcție de ceea ce poți face iar în cazul în care nu poți merge deja pe rețeta ce aduce reușită sigura, atunci iti pot recomanda pașii mici cu care sa începi sa ajungi mare, intr-o zi. Foarte mulțumită de interacțiune,succes în tot ce faceți și sper sa ne auzim curând!
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webdare13 Avatar
Cea mai bună agenție de marketing!!!
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
Una dintre cele mai bune agenții de marketing cu care am lucrat vreodată. Cele mai bune soluții pentru managementul rețelelor sociale și o echipă grozavă! Este o plăcere să lucrez cu ei!
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Alexandru Croitoru Avatar
Alexandru Croitoru
Their openness to our needs makes them the ideal choice for digital marketing and strategy. Additionally, their ability to help us excel in our Social Media Campaign, along with their outstanding communication skills, truly sets them apart in our eyes. Their team is incredibly dynamic and the enthusiasm for our projects shines through, making every interaction enjoyable and productive. It's clear that they genuinely care about our success! Thank you Marketing Deck!
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Awards and honours

Our marketing strategies are often recognised nationally and internationally
Clutch - Global
Social Media Company Award - 2024
The Manifest - România
Most Reviews Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - Global
Leader Award Spring - 2024
Clutch - România
Full Service Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2024
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - Global
Top Advertising Company - 2023
Clutch - București
Top PPC Company - 2023
Clutch - România
TOP Advertising & Marketing - 2022

Do you have questions or want to receive our offer?

You can contact us via:

Phone at +40 711 051 415
Whatsapp at +40 711 051 415
E-mail at [email protected]

Or fill in the form below and we will contact you: