You've come to the right place!

Use Google Ads to drive relevant traffic to your site and increase sales.

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Marketing Deck - Google Ads promotion services

Did you know that in Romania there are over 10 million Google searches every day? Google is an extremely important business engine and it is your responsibility to be at the top of these search results.

Google Ads has changed over time
You need a well-optimized campaign that targets keywords relevant to your business and sends traffic to a conversion-oriented landing page.
Benefit from an Audit
If you've tried a Google Ads specialist and it didn't work, you can ask us for an audit. In over 90% of cases we find that things have been done incorrectly.
Experience with a google ads agency
Why choose a Pay Per Click Agency?

Experience on Google Ads

Because we have over 4 years of experience on Google Ads. On top of that, we are also Google partners.

Experience on multiple verticals

We have experience across multiple verticals (ecommerce, lead generation and local business)

Experience across multiple industries

We do best in the following areas: Children's Education, HoReCa, Ecommerce, B2B Services. That doesn't mean that we are limited to these, just that these are the ones we master best.

Dedicated team

We have a dedicated, in-house team that handles campaign set-up and optimization, ZILNIC.

Management budget

Over the years we have run over 500.00 Euro in ads on Google Ads, and this amount is increasing month by month.

What does the Google Ads service package include?

1. Set-up
In the first days we focus on setting up the advertising account. This involves.
2. Optimization

After the initial part we shift our focus to:

Marketing Deck - Google Ads Partner

First of all I want you to know that we are a Google Ads partner agency. This means that several of our colleagues have obtained all the necessary certifications and we have spent a significant budget on Google Ads

The fee we charge is a monthly fee and does not include the advertising budget paid directly to Google. It is healthiest for the 2 to be separate.

Social Media Marketing

Take the next step to exceptional online results
Google Ads Case Studies - Google Ads Agency

Service and Auto Parts Shop

At the beginning of 2020 we started the collaboration with an Auto Service and Auto Parts Shop of the same owner. The main objective was to increase the sales of the parts shop and the secondary objective was to attract as many customers as possible to the car service.
google ads studiu de caz ad group campanie

On the Service area things were excellent to say the least as it managed to attract over 1300 leads (mainly phone calls) at an average cost per lead of less than 14 lei / call.

You might say: but 50 ron/day is too low a budget… why didn’t you use a bigger budget? We would have liked to allocate a bigger budget but the service was full even at this budget.

On the product area, we have managed to consistently bring through the Shopping Ads campaign a conversion value / cost of over 10. What does this mean? It means that for every 1 euro spent on advertising, more than 10 lei in sales were obtained.

google ads studiu de caz product groups campanie

Brands that trust us

Here you can find just a part of our client portfolio, brands with which we have been working for a long time.
Portofoliu de clienti
Bebe Tei
Mind Architect
Best Nuts
Treevi Pizza Al Taglio 1
Nusco City
Keller Williams

Customer testimonials

We love our customers and they love us.

Here's what they say about working with us:
Veronica Negru Avatar
Veronica Negru
Colaborez cu Marketing Deck din septembrie 2023 si sunt foarte multumita de rezultatele obtinute. Profesionalismul lor si-a spus cuvantul inca de la inceputul colaborarii. Imi place foarte mult modul cum este totul organizat, de la propunerea scripturilor pana la postarea continutului in social.
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Daniel Alexandrescu Avatar
Daniel Alexandrescu
Eram in cautare de solutii pentru pentru campaniile de social media pe care le derulam si care nu mai performau deloc. Pintr-o conjuctura fericita am aflat de Marketing Deck si mi-a placut imediat profesionalismul cu care au abordat conturilor noastre de social media. Au reusit prin campaniile pe care le-au setat sa reduca cu 50% costurile si sa ajungem la un ROAS de 15x , ba chiar 19x pe anumite produse. Recomand cu mare incredere MarketingDeck, si in special pe Paul Ardeleanu pentru profesionalismul lor. Daniel Alexandrescu, CEO - RestartiX Center
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Sorin Chivoiu Avatar
Sorin Chivoiu
Bijuteria Reina
Am colaborat cu echipa Marketing Deck, iar ceea ce îi caracterizează este profesionalismul. Sunt implicați, cu abilitați excelente de comunicare iar ideile prezentate au avut un rezultat mai bun decât mă așteptam! Recomandăm cu drag!
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kids power Avatar
kids power
O echipa minunata! Oameni profi, gata mereu să ajute și să ofere cele mai bune soluții pentru buna desfășurare a lucrurilor! Recomand cu mare drag!
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
I am very happy with the work done by the Marketing Deck. They know what they are doing and are very attentive !
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Ina Lupu Avatar
Ina Lupu
Am avut o colaborare foarte buna cu cei de la Marketing Deck. Si rezultate pe campaniile initiate de ei.
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Valentin Mailat Avatar
Valentin Mailat
O agenție condusa de un om experimentat, sincer și extrem de practic. Am recomandat deja agenția soției mele.
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
Sunt foarte mulțumit de munca depusă de Marketing Deck. Chiar știu ce fac și sunt foarte atenți!
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
One of the best marketing agencies I’ve ever worked with. Best solutions for the social media management and great team! It’s a pleasure to work with them!
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Alina Dobra Avatar
Alina Dobra
Am participat la stagiul de practica organizat de agentie. In urma lui am invatat multe lucruri si chiar am ajuns sa fac parte din echipa agentiei. Oameni tineri, atmosfera faina si multe cunostinte acumulate 🙂
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Profesionalism, încredere și disponibilitate în ceea ce privește rezolvarea indicațiilor primite. O echipă foarte bună care stă la dispoziția clienților. Recomand 100%.
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webdare13 Avatar
Best marketing agency!!!
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webdare13 Avatar
Cea mai bună agenție de marketing!!!
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
Una dintre cele mai bune agenții de marketing cu care am lucrat vreodată. Cele mai bune soluții pentru managementul rețelelor sociale și o echipă grozavă! Este o plăcere să lucrez cu ei!
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Rares Nitulescu Avatar
Rares Nitulescu
O experiență mai mult decât plăcută în cadrul stagiului de practică. Un mediu de lucru plăcut, în care nevoile tale sunt înțelese, toată lumea este înțelegătoare și dornică să te ajute să crești, nu ești grăbit sau presat însă trebuie să prezinți seriozitate și să ai un management bun al timpul. Nu am identificat aspecte negative în timpul colaborări cu ei.
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Awards and honours

Our marketing strategies are often recognised nationally and internationally
Clutch - Global
Social Media Company Award - 2024
The Manifest - România
Most Reviews Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - Global
Leader Award Spring - 2024
Clutch - România
Full Service Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2024
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - Global
Top Advertising Company - 2023
Clutch - București
Top PPC Company - 2023
Clutch - România
TOP Advertising & Marketing - 2022

Do you have questions or want to receive our offer?

You can contact us via:

Phone at +40 711 051 415
Whatsapp at +40 711 051 415
E-mail at [email protected]

Or fill in the form below and we will contact you: