Come and collaborate with Marketing Deck

The story continues in the world of digital marketing

We are looking for talented and dedicated freelancers to help us provide quality service to our clients.

Who are we?

If you haven’t heard of Marketing Deck yet, we’re a digital marketing agency founded out of a passion for social media. We like to think we’re little superheroes that help customers and businesses find themselves more easily.

We don’t want to be “yet” an online marketing agency. We make every effort to understand the needs and desires of those we work with and to be able to deliver the desired results + a little more. All our collaborations are based on respect and understanding.

We are guided by 5 simple principles: Efficiency, Quality, Flexibility, Communication, Fun.

The figures speak for themselves:

Come and collaborate with Marketing Deck
Our story

How did the Marketing Deck Agency come about?

Our story started in 2013, when I, Paul Ardeleanu, founder of Marketing Deck, first used Facebook Ads to promote the Public Speaking Seminars I was giving.

Facebook Ads was the main way I attracted 100 – 200 people to attend a live seminar with me, even though I was only 23 at the time.

Paul Ardeleanu - owner of Marketing Deck - the online marketing agency
Opening of the Agency

Marketing Deck was born later in 2017 at the request of one of our training clients to also offer Facebook Ads services. This was the first service offered by online marketing agency Marketing Deck.

From that time until now, we have had active ads for us or our clients.

In 2019 we started collaborating with the Spartan Restaurant chain and subsequently with other Franchise chains in different fields (HoReCa, Children’s Education, Real Estate, …).


The first year of the pandemic hit us hard, but it brought us closer together. The year 2020 became a year of ascension, where the team grew to 8 people and a few collaborators. At the same time we made it to the list of Top Agencies on Clutch, the largest agency platform in the world (in the category of Online Marketing Agencies).

In 2021, the Marketing Deck team has gathered a number of 12 passionate specialists and over 50 active clients.

The year 2022 brought us to the number 1 spot on Clutch in Romania, but this time in most of the Marketing categories: Social Media, Advertising, PPC, Digital Marketing … and this is where we want to stay.

Services offered by Marketing Deck

Do you have the necessary experience on one or more of our services?

Facebook Ads

We create comprehensive Facebook Ads campaigns to generate a positive ROI (return on investment)

Google Ads

Effective Search, Display or Shopping campaigns to generate leads or sales

Social Media Marketing

Not just posts, but a communication strategy that builds trust and connection with the audience

Management Marketing

An online marketing manager for the client, supported by a whole team of specialists.

Web Design

We create sites with a strong foundation (technical infrastructure) that meet business objectives and look good


We build a complete visual identity that generates trust and authority, easy to remember by potential clients

Marketing Strategies

Business plan to double sales through online marketing channels and move to the next level of business

Consultanță Marketing

The marketing specialist, when needed, knows himself. When the client needs it, they can call on specialist advice


Concrete actions to reach the first page of Google and even the top positions.


Creating conversion-targeted text for landing pages and emails


Creating texts for blog articles and informational or educational materials (PDFs)

E-mail marketing

Create emailing infrastructure, content and clear reporting to see effectiveness

Who are we looking for?

The requirements we look for from a freelancer to collaborate vary, depending on the type of digital marketing services our agency offers.

However, there are some general requirements we look for in our employees:

Devino colaborator marketing deck 768x1047 1
What do you need?


You will be responsible for the client's results from day one


Each business has its own specificities. You have to adapt easily and quickly


We do things for our customers as we do things for ourselves, seriously

What will the selection process be?


The first step you need to complete is to upload a short message of why you want to partner with Marketing Deck and a portfolio in the form below.


We will review your CV to see if you have the experience and skills we are looking for. If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted by phone or email to schedule a meeting. The interview may take approximately one hour.


After the interview, we'll call you to let you know if you've taken the next step or not. If yes, we'll discuss the collaboration process and project details. Thanks for your interest and good luck!

Brands that trust us

Here you can find just a part of our client portfolio, brands with which we have been working for a long time.
Portofoliu de clienti
Bebe Tei
Mind Architect
Best Nuts
Treevi Pizza Al Taglio 1
Nusco City
Keller Williams

Customer testimonials

We love our customers and they love us.

Here's what they say about working with us:
Veronica Negru Avatar
Veronica Negru
Colaborez cu Marketing Deck din septembrie 2023 si sunt foarte multumita de rezultatele obtinute. Profesionalismul lor si-a spus cuvantul inca de la inceputul colaborarii. Imi place foarte mult modul cum este totul organizat, de la propunerea scripturilor pana la postarea continutului in social.
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Daniel Alexandrescu Avatar
Daniel Alexandrescu
Eram in cautare de solutii pentru pentru campaniile de social media pe care le derulam si care nu mai performau deloc. Pintr-o conjuctura fericita am aflat de Marketing Deck si mi-a placut imediat profesionalismul cu care au abordat conturilor noastre de social media. Au reusit prin campaniile pe care le-au setat sa reduca cu 50% costurile si sa ajungem la un ROAS de 15x , ba chiar 19x pe anumite produse. Recomand cu mare incredere MarketingDeck, si in special pe Paul Ardeleanu pentru profesionalismul lor. Daniel Alexandrescu, CEO - RestartiX Center
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Sorin Chivoiu Avatar
Sorin Chivoiu
Bijuteria Reina
Am colaborat cu echipa Marketing Deck, iar ceea ce îi caracterizează este profesionalismul. Sunt implicați, cu abilitați excelente de comunicare iar ideile prezentate au avut un rezultat mai bun decât mă așteptam! Recomandăm cu drag!
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Dan Dobrescu Avatar
Dan Dobrescu
Am lucrat cu 4 agenții de marketing diferite și rezultatele au fost cel mult satisfăcătoare, deși am oferit fiecărei agenții șansa de a încerca diferite metode de promovare timp de cel puțin 6 luni. În cele din urmă, am citit câteva recenzii pe Marketing Deck, l-am contactat pe Paul și am avut 2-3 discuții despre cum ar putea să-mi ajute compania. Am hotărât să-l las să preia complet controlul campaniilor mele de marketing. A fost cea mai inspirată idee pe care am avut-o în ultimii 2 ani. Rezultatele campaniilor sale mi-au depășit cu mult așteptările. Într-adevăr, departamentul de marketing este foarte important în orice companie, iar găsirea unei agenții care să se ocupe de acest aspect poate fi foarte obositoare și poate provoca dezamăgire. Dar când, în sfârșit, găsești acea agenție pe care ai căutat-o ​​mereu, sentimentul nu poate fi decât unul de împlinire. Felicitări Marketing Deck!
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
I am very happy with the work done by the Marketing Deck. They know what they are doing and are very attentive !
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Alina Dobra Avatar
Alina Dobra
Am participat la stagiul de practica organizat de agentie. In urma lui am invatat multe lucruri si chiar am ajuns sa fac parte din echipa agentiei. Oameni tineri, atmosfera faina si multe cunostinte acumulate 🙂
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
Sunt foarte mulțumit de munca depusă de Marketing Deck. Chiar știu ce fac și sunt foarte atenți!
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Doina Iosif Avatar
Doina Iosif
Felicitari pentru tot ce faceti! Sunteti ingeniosi si dedicati.
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Romica Caralicea Avatar
Romica Caralicea
Echipa uimitoare, comunicativă și suportivă. Recomand cu căldură serviciile lor de marketing digital, în special pentru domeniul educației.
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webdare13 Avatar
Cea mai bună agenție de marketing!!!
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webdare13 Avatar
Best marketing agency!!!
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kids power Avatar
kids power
O echipa minunata! Oameni profi, gata mereu să ajute și să ofere cele mai bune soluții pentru buna desfășurare a lucrurilor! Recomand cu mare drag!
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
One of the best marketing agencies I’ve ever worked with. Best solutions for the social media management and great team! It’s a pleasure to work with them!
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Alexandru Croitoru Avatar
Alexandru Croitoru
Their openness to our needs makes them the ideal choice for digital marketing and strategy. Additionally, their ability to help us excel in our Social Media Campaign, along with their outstanding communication skills, truly sets them apart in our eyes. Their team is incredibly dynamic and the enthusiasm for our projects shines through, making every interaction enjoyable and productive. It's clear that they genuinely care about our success! Thank you Marketing Deck!
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Ina Lupu Avatar
Ina Lupu
Am avut o colaborare foarte buna cu cei de la Marketing Deck. Si rezultate pe campaniile initiate de ei.
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Awards and honours

Our marketing strategies are often recognised nationally and internationally
Clutch - Global
Social Media Company Award - 2024
The Manifest - România
Most Reviews Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - Global
Leader Award Spring - 2024
Clutch - România
Full Service Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2024
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - Global
Top Advertising Company - 2023
Clutch - București
Top PPC Company - 2023
Clutch - România
TOP Advertising & Marketing - 2022

Application form

Upload your portfolio and tell us why you want to partner with Marketing Deck

Do you have questions or want to contact us? You can contact us directly

Phone +40 749 942 256 | Whatsapp at +40 749 942 256

E-mail to [email protected]