You've come to the right place!

Being present on the most important Social Media channels is no longer a fad, but a must for every brand.

Social Media Management

Managing accounts can be easier when a specialised team is in charge.

Social Media Advertising

Social media ads deliver very fast results and increase brand awareness.

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Why choose...

Social Media Services for your online business

Connect with your audience and create your own community

Your online presence will bring visibility to your brand and your business social media accounts will keep you connected with them. Build a strong connection with customers and provide them with the content they need.

Creating and distributing content, a step towards delivering results

Online content through social media posts and stories bring organic results, and social media campaigns will always bring guaranteed results. We monitor all these things and convert everything into visible results.

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Did you know that a social media marketing campaign in Romania reaches 12 million Facebook users?

Believe it or not, more than 1 in 2 Romanians have a Facebook account… and they use it. Here’s what Facebook shows us as a potential audience:

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Moreover, all other channels, namely Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, TikTok, Pinterest, are growing at an accelerated rate.

Social Media Agency

Take the next step towards a great online presence

Turn to Deck Social Media Marketing Agency!

First of all, I want you to know that our story with Social Media started since 2013, when I (Paul Ardeleanu – founder of Marketing Deck) was doing Public Speaking seminars.

Back then I was using organic posts, group shares and Facebook Ads to attract several hundred people to my free seminars.

Then came Marketing Deck

Marketing Deck was born later in 2017 at the request of one of our training clients to provide Facebook Ads and Social Media services. Marketing Deck Marketing Agency started out fixed with these two services: Social Media Management and Facebook Ads.

From that time until now, I've created several thousand posts and managed dozens of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more recently TikTok and Youtube pages.

Why choose Marketing Deck for Social Media Services?

  1. Because we have 8 years of experience on Social Media (3 years we did this for our personal brand and since 2017 for our clients).
  2. Because we don’t just make posts, we are strategists and content creators.
  3. Because we manage accounts from A to Z (strategy, posts, replies to comments and messages, social listening, interactions with other brands, paid ads, …)
  4. We build the visuals and the text. The visuals are either created digitally (Canva / Photoshop) or we do photo shoots from the activity to capture exactly what is happening.
  5. We have a comprehensive approach where we publish content to all relevant Social Media channels.
The 2 options to work new

Social Media Marketing Agency

I want a team of professionals

We are a young and ambitious team, willing to take on challenges. Our strength is that we turn challenges into opportunities and then into results. We love what we do and that's why we support the online presence of as many companies as possible.

I want you to teach me to do it myself

If you want to learn our methodology on your own and then implement it yourself or with the help of a freelancer, I invite you to explore our Social Media Marketing: Algorithm course.

What will you get from working with us, Marketing Deck?

"The road to an exceptional online presence"

Let's choose the right social media promotion platforms for your business

Audiences differ from organisation to organisation. Potential customers are found everywhere, and we will attract as many as possible to you.

Facebook Ads

Cea mai populară platformă de social media din România, cu audiența potențială de 9.9 mil. de utilizatori, iar 61% din audiență are 25-54 de ani. Facebook este o platformă potrivită pentru toate businessurile.


Cea mai utilizată platformă de social media din România, iar peste 60% din audiență au cel mult 35 de ani, audiența potențială pe Instagram fiind de 5.4 mil. de utilizatori.


Cea mai utilizată platformă de social media. Permite conectarea cu mediul profesional și crearea de oportunități, orientată spre angajare. Audiența potențială este de 3.2 mil de persoane.


Potențialul platformei cu conținut video însumează o audiență de 13 mil. de persoane în România, iar reclamele pot acoperi aproximativ 70% din populația României.


În prezent ocupă #5 Cea mai utilizată platformă, cu un potențial de 4.1 mil. utilizatori activi. Este platforma cu cea mai rapidă creștere în acest moment.

Google My Business

Contul de Google My Business consolidează încrederea audienței, permite listarea afacerii pe Google și apariția în căutările din Google Maps și Waze.

Statistical data are taken from the reports Data Reportal and Statista reports.

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"Drumul către o prezență online de excepție"
Social media networks

Managing Social Media Accounts

If you already have a social media account, we optimize it. If you don’t, it’s ok, we create it from scratch. On top of that, we’ll create your brand’s social media strategy, do the setup, optimise the account, create the content and monitor everything.

Facebook or Instagram?

Facebook cannot be a replacement for Instagram, nor vice versa. For the right choice of social media, we need to identify the audience and type of content we want. But we take care of all that.

Respond and interact with your audience

Social media activity is not just about creating content, but also about interacting with followers. The team of specialists will deal with responding or reacting to comments, tags or reviews.

Deliver the right content to your audience and convert

Social Media Marketing is about the processes of getting traffic and raising awareness for businesses, providing new business opportunities.

Social Media Marketing Agency

Give us the opportunity to grow your Social Media accounts

in order to gain visibility, credibility and sales.

Social media promotion packages

Choose the right social media package for your brand

We offer different service packages to provide the services your company needs. From the Starter Package, where we manage and build your content strategy, you can go up to a Full Package managing 3 different platforms, or even a custom package where we integrate the services you need.

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Social Media Marketing Packages

We offer different social media packages that are in perfect harmony with your business and goals. Not decided? Contact us and schedule a 30-minute Free Consultation.


  • 12 posts / month
  • Managing a single platform
  • Creating content strategy
  • Page set-up
  • Creating visuals and text for posts
  • Boost post (max. 150 euro / month)
  • Real time reporting


  • 20 posts + 10 stories / month
  • Management of 2 platforms
  • Creating content strategy
  • Creating ideal customer avatars
  • Page set-up
  • Creating visuals and text for posts
  • 1 photo & video session / month
  • Community management (max. 5 hours / month)
  • Boost post (max. 250 euro / month)
  • Real time reporting


  • 30 posts + 20 stories + 10 Reels / month
  • Management of 3 platforms
  • Creating content strategy
  • Creating ideal customer avatars
  • Creation of Marketing Strategy (Funnel type)
  • Page set-up
  • 2 photo & video sessions / month
  • Creating visuals and text for posts
  • Community Management (max. 15 hours / month)
  • Business Consultancy (1 meeting / month)
  • Boost post (max. 500 euro / month)
  • Real time reporting
Social Media Management Case Studies

The story of the calendar

In June 2021, a new destination was launched in Romania, namely the Calendar Story. This unique and very special place is located in Porumbacu commune, Sibiu county, opposite the Castle of Lut Valea Zânelor.

Our involvement in this project has been from before the launch, in the area of Branding, and later in the direction of the launch. The launch took place online with a competition offering free entries.

Final results during 5 months of collaboration on social media (Facebook):

In just 5 months since its launch, the Facebook page has surpassed 40,000 Likes and has been the main source of customer engagement. The money invested in ads was less than 500 RON in total in 5 months (don’t take this to mean that we don’t have Facebook ads campaigns with very large budgets in other cases… just not wanted here).

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Social Media Marketing for our clients

Here's how we do things

Brands that trust us

Here you can find just a part of our client portfolio, brands with which we have been working for a long time.
Portofoliu de clienti
Bebe Tei
Mind Architect
Best Nuts
Treevi Pizza Al Taglio 1
Nusco City
Keller Williams

Customer testimonials

We love our customers and they love us.

Here's what they say about working with us:
Veronica Negru Avatar
Veronica Negru
Colaborez cu Marketing Deck din septembrie 2023 si sunt foarte multumita de rezultatele obtinute. Profesionalismul lor si-a spus cuvantul inca de la inceputul colaborarii. Imi place foarte mult modul cum este totul organizat, de la propunerea scripturilor pana la postarea continutului in social.
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Daniel Alexandrescu Avatar
Daniel Alexandrescu
Eram in cautare de solutii pentru pentru campaniile de social media pe care le derulam si care nu mai performau deloc. Pintr-o conjuctura fericita am aflat de Marketing Deck si mi-a placut imediat profesionalismul cu care au abordat conturilor noastre de social media. Au reusit prin campaniile pe care le-au setat sa reduca cu 50% costurile si sa ajungem la un ROAS de 15x , ba chiar 19x pe anumite produse. Recomand cu mare incredere MarketingDeck, si in special pe Paul Ardeleanu pentru profesionalismul lor. Daniel Alexandrescu, CEO - RestartiX Center
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Sorin Chivoiu Avatar
Sorin Chivoiu
Bijuteria Reina
Am colaborat cu echipa Marketing Deck, iar ceea ce îi caracterizează este profesionalismul. Sunt implicați, cu abilitați excelente de comunicare iar ideile prezentate au avut un rezultat mai bun decât mă așteptam! Recomandăm cu drag!
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kids power Avatar
kids power
O echipa minunata! Oameni profi, gata mereu să ajute și să ofere cele mai bune soluții pentru buna desfășurare a lucrurilor! Recomand cu mare drag!
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Valentin Mailat Avatar
Valentin Mailat
O agenție condusa de un om experimentat, sincer și extrem de practic. Am recomandat deja agenția soției mele.
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Rares Nitulescu Avatar
Rares Nitulescu
O experiență mai mult decât plăcută în cadrul stagiului de practică. Un mediu de lucru plăcut, în care nevoile tale sunt înțelese, toată lumea este înțelegătoare și dornică să te ajute să crești, nu ești grăbit sau presat însă trebuie să prezinți seriozitate și să ai un management bun al timpul. Nu am identificat aspecte negative în timpul colaborări cu ei.
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Romica Caralicea Avatar
Romica Caralicea
Echipa uimitoare, comunicativă și suportivă. Recomand cu căldură serviciile lor de marketing digital, în special pentru domeniul educației.
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Lena Seilner Avatar
Lena Seilner
Una dintre cele mai bune agenții de marketing cu care am lucrat vreodată. Cele mai bune soluții pentru managementul rețelelor sociale și o echipă grozavă! Este o plăcere să lucrez cu ei!
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Doina Iosif Avatar
Doina Iosif
Felicitari pentru tot ce faceti! Sunteti ingeniosi si dedicati.
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webdare13 Avatar
Best marketing agency!!!
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
Sunt foarte mulțumit de munca depusă de Marketing Deck. Chiar știu ce fac și sunt foarte atenți!
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webdare13 Avatar
Cea mai bună agenție de marketing!!!
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Ionut Andronache Avatar
Ionut Andronache
O echipa excelenta! Am avut rezultate exceptionale impreuna!
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Leyla MALS Avatar
Leyla MALS
I am very happy with the work done by the Marketing Deck. They know what they are doing and are very attentive !
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Luminita H. Avatar
Luminita H.
M-am bucurat de o experiență frumoasa , am avut suportul Veronicăi , toată disponibilitatea și transparența de care se poate da dovada precum și toată înțelegerea.Oameni care găsesc variante în funcție de ceea ce poți face iar în cazul în care nu poți merge deja pe rețeta ce aduce reușită sigura, atunci iti pot recomanda pașii mici cu care sa începi sa ajungi mare, intr-o zi. Foarte mulțumită de interacțiune,succes în tot ce faceți și sper sa ne auzim curând!
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Awards and honours

Our marketing strategies are often recognised nationally and internationally
Clutch - Global
Social Media Company Award - 2024
The Manifest - România
Most Reviews Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - Global
Leader Award Spring - 2024
Clutch - România
Full Service Digital Company - 2024
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2024
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - România
Top Social Media Marketing - 2023
Clutch - Global
Top Advertising Company - 2023
Clutch - București
Top PPC Company - 2023
Clutch - România
TOP Advertising & Marketing - 2022

Do you have questions or want to receive our offer?

You can contact us via:

Phone at +40 711 930 842
Whatsapp at +40 711 930 842
E-mail at [email protected]

Or fill in the form below and we will contact you: